Friday, October 27, 2006

Sahani-->Chadha-->Sahani-->Dr. ???

If my Nani was a Sahani and she married and became a Chadha and my mother was a Chadha and she married and became a Sahani, then that means that I would be Dr. ??? ... aahhh.. too much to think... but, hopefully--not stupid enough to get married!

Why is my mailbox being infiltrated with "GirlF***Friend" emails???

Anybody else find it odd that my 40 year old standardized patient for my physical diagnoses exam today looked at me funny when i asked him if he knows about condoms for protection after he told me he was happily married,... darn.. i spend so much time practicing, expecting a 15 yr old girl... it had to come out! glad i didn't ask him when was his last menstrual period...!!! --it was just at the tip of my tongue! :-) heheh....oh, joys of med school! okay....A-a gradient, pulmonary function tests, sarcoidosis...why do we need to know so much about the lungs anyway...? oh, reminding self to: exhale now...1,2,3...breathe...

so much we take for granted...


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