Saturday, November 11, 2006


Do you think Paul Haggis and Guillermo Arriaga ate the same cereal in the morning? If you liked "Crash", then you will certainly like "Babel." It has become a common theme to take a peek at events in different people's lives in various locations and show how their stories are all intertwined towards the end, but these two writers do an amazingly superb job with it. What really struck me were the simple, natural, and realistic scenes in the movie. I could really relate to each person just by him focusing on portraying small little everyday tasks that the character's partake in, which makes them more real. Things that most movie directors would not even think of were big touching elements in the movie. Simple scenes like where Brad is helping his wife pee moved me soo much... How does one pee after being shot? or the scene when Rinku takes her dentist's hand and puts it you you know where; it reminded me of the famous scene in Black with Amitabh and Kajol. The innocent elements... :( blah... feeling very sucky-alone, and unspecial rt now...will have to write more when the sun shines...

The title of the movie, "Babel" is so apt...

Babel- an ancient city in the land of Shinar in which the building of a tower (Tower of Babel) intended to reach heaven was begun and the confusion of the language of the people took place.

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