Friday, October 20, 2006

Hi-Ho--It's off to jail We Go...

Can you make out the suited figure lurking in the mist?

Ten brave souls set out on a journey to the Eastern Penitentiary yesterday night. This massive edifice is said to have been the site where thousands of prisoners had been tortured, including the notorious, Al Capone. America's ghost hunters have picked up strange magnetic fields and have taped voices in several rooms of this prison. Now, our inquisitive medical minds set out to do some exploration and hunting on our own. What we saw and heard was not captured on film but will forever be embedded into our brains to haunt our dreams. I wish I could show you even a tenth of what I saw, but this is all I have to share as Canon doesn't fancy the dark...

So, I hope you enjoy and leave a comment or two...

I guess you'll just have to check it out for yourself...

Go Here:

and click on "Real Ghost Sightings"


This inmate tried to jump out at me!

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