Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Why are lobsters red?

I don't know, but they taste sooo damn gooood! :-) Thanks Noly! I loved the Lobsterita Margarita! So I quadrupled the number of calories that I supposedly tried to burn at the gym today. No worries, right? --There's always gastric bypass!

Seriously though, I feel so sorry for those people who underwent banding of the stomach. What a huge life adjustment to make with a tiny little stomach. Just imagine, they couldn't even fit the Caesar salad that comes with your meal in the beginning. They'd have to keep excusing themselves to go to the restroom to make room for the next course! Gawd! What a life! No wonder they need to go through such intense psycho therapy! Wouldn't it just be easier if we ate like the French rather than eating like it's our last meal?
Or just had sex every night, either works! :c)~

They drink more, smoke more, and still have a longer life expectancy!
Smaller portions People!!! It's okay,...American Restaurants are just oblivious to the Starving Children in Somalia!

Other Egocentric American Medical News:

--Researchers found that drinking coffee seriously reduces the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and cirrhosis of the liver. Numerous reasons were cited, including coffee's significant antioxidant content, according to the 8/15/06 New York Times.
(Yea! Drugs are Good too!)

--CQ HealthBeat reported on 8/16/06 that over 25% of all children born each year in the US are born via Caesarean section, 38% more than in 1997.
(I guess our celebrities started a trend and women just don't want to deal with the whole process anymore. Just drug em' and get the fish out!) Yet, if they didn't past at all, it would still come out! Personally, I'd recommend water birth to my patients!

--The State Legislatures in Vermont and California both voted down two assisted-suicide bills modeled on Oregon's unique law. Supporters in Vermont say that they will try again next year, according to the 8/14/06 American Medical News.
(I think we just generally like to kill in our society)

On the World News Front:

The AOA is proud to report that the Japan Osteopathic Federation (JOF) has pledged $5,000 to support the consultation on the development of the WHO Guidelines for basic training and safety in osteopathy. The Osteopathic International Alliance (OIA) has been coordinating responses and comments on the draft Guidelines, which has been reviewed by national organizations around the world. The AOA has taken charge of expediting the consultation to finalize the guidelines, which we anticipate will happen early next year. To date, we have received contributions from the JOF, the World Osteopathic Health Organization (WOHO), and the Federazione Sindacale Italiana Osteopati (FeSIOs), an Italian osteopathic association.


Strange thought of the day: Could you imagine a mad scientist in a laboratory growing a fetus into a full sized grown man underwater? Would it be possible to maintain the gills we first get as a fetus in a womb and develop them into our adulthood lives? Let's not use our lungs! --Can we develop a mechanism in our body to suck out the oxygen from water so that we don't drown or die from CHF and so we can swim with the dolphins? :)

Ignoring the moral and ethical dilemma behind it, (which to tell you the truth, I don't think even exists anymore--cause to each is own, but we are just responsible for our actions!), but seriously mad scientist guy would love to grow a human in isolation and doing it underwater would be trying to make it evolve backwards! This human would have lived his whole life underwater and we'd be watching him through the glass. What kind of socialization skills would he develop? If we put a female in the aquarium with him, how would they interact--without any influence from the outside world? Hmmmm..... Evolution--a million years of conspiracy!

1 comment:

Steve D. said...

Great news on coffee! I knew it had to be good for something!

Steve (