Wednesday, April 04, 2007


so it's 2:22 AM, i'm in the middle of studying sickle cell genetics and then my mind starts to wander as it often does while trying to study hematology and i began doing some doodling and graffiti,... while staring at my Shoprite calendar in front of me that i had so diligently now changed from February to April.... and then as we often do,.....i thought about GOD, .....and then i realized while drawing,... that the Khanda looks like the word, "GOD"!

...either that or my brain is frying...

so i computer graffitified it for you... it's hard to draw it on the computer with the mouse, it looks better on paper... but pretty cool huh?

can get an artist to perfect it, patent it, and it can be on T-shirts, Necklaces, car bumper stickers, posters, etc... think of the possibilities... :-)

~i'm sooo in the wrong field!


Don said...

here didi,

Heres a better version of it

Hrshyskss said...

hey, thanks hun! :-) yea, i have that one from before... but that one didn't look like the word "GOD" so had to draw my own version! ;-)

how u doing?