Thursday, January 10, 2008


so i'm sitting and working in my bed on my insomnia presentation (which by the way is the number one no-no in the treatment of insomnia as you need to build positive associations with your bed for sleep and sex ONLY!) and at the same time, i'm trying to finish up my ethics paper and managed care paper (darn hmo's--pain in my butt!) and i get a text message from a friend i hadn't heard from in a while... so being lazy and in the midst of working fast to get some sleep (whatever that means, as I have to wake up at 4:30 in the morning and leave by 5) i reply back to his message with a cheery "hny!" at the end... to my surprise i get a stream of "LOL"s and excited propositional faces and messages back as a response for being "horny!"

Go Figure! -i had to take time to blog this one real quick before getting back to work!

hny=happy new year world!

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