Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Where is Santa?

The Latest Headlines from the North Pole!
Dozens of US Cities Report Santa's Visit
Posted by Elf Ernest on Monday, 24th December 2007 at 10:30PM
New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Raleigh, Atlanta and Miami are all reporting in - looks like Santa is really starting to cover the US.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas EVE!

i put the tree up & decorated it with everybody,...they're all nice, but i miss mum n' dad... :-/ it's taking a while to adjust to them & the new place... but i love my Choti...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


This one is for everyone who ..
a) has kids,

b) had kids,

c) was a kid,
d) knows a kid

e) is going to have kids.

I guess that means all of us!!


I was packing for my business trip and my three year old daughter was having a wonderful time playing on the bed. At one point she said, "Daddy, look at this" , and stuck out two of her fingers.

Trying to keep her entertained, I reached out and stuck her tiny fingers in
my mouth and said , "Daddy's gonna eat your fingers," pretending to eat them.

I went back to packing, looked up again and my daughter was standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a devastated look on her face.

I said, "What's wrong, honey?"

She replied, What happened to my booger?

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Neil deGrasse Tyson's Top Ten Favorite Facts About the Universe

10. There are 100,000 times as many stars in the universe as sounds and words ever uttered by all humans who have ever lived.

9. Humans are genetically connected with life on Earth, chemically connected with life on other star systems and atomically connected with all matter in the universe.

8. Dark matter and dark energy make up 94 percent of the universe. We can measure their existence, yet we have no idea what they are.

7. Beneath a thick layer of surface ice, Jupiter's moon Europa likely harbors a liquid ocean kept warm by the gravitational stresses induced by Jupiter and by neighboring moons -- a potential haven for life.

6. An asteroid the size of Mount Everest slammed into Earth 65 million years ago. The ensuing global climatic catastrophe left 70 percent of all the world's species extinct, including the ferocious dinosaurs.

5. There are more molecules of water in a cup of water than cups of water in all the world's oceans. This means that some molecules in every cup of water you drink passed through the kidneys of Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Abe Lincoln or any other historical person of your choosing. Same goes for air: There are more molecules of air in a single breath of air than there are breaths of air in Earth's entire atmosphere. Therefore, some molecules of air you inhale passed through the lungs of Billy the Kid, Joan of Arc, Beethoven, Socrates or any other historical person of your choosing.

4. The laws of physics, as measured here on Earth, apply everywhere else in the universe -- across space and time.

3. Since light takes time to travel from one place to another, the farther out in space you look, the farther back in time you see. With our most powerful telescopes, we can observe the universe all the way back to its earliest moments -- all the way back to the Big Bang itself.

2. With Mars likely to have been wet and fertile before Earth in the early solar system; with known bacteria that can survive extremes of temperature, pressure and radiation; with asteroid impacts that can cast into space rocks that contain bacterial stowaways, allowing life to move between planets, it may be that life on Earth was seeded by life from Mars, making all of us descendants of Martians.

1.With chemical elements forged over 14 billion years in the fires of high-mass stars that exploded into space, and with these elements enriching subsequent generations of stars with carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and other basic ingredients of life itself, we are not just figuratively but literally made of stardust.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

New Seatbelt Design

now that's just mean...

(it's so true though!) :c)~

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Does he call you "Beautiful"?

When a GIRL is quiet ... millions of things are running in her mind. When a GIRL is not arguing ... she is thinking deeply. When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions ... she is wondering how long you will be around. When a GIRL answers " I'm fine " after a few seconds ... she is not at all fine.

When a GIRL stares at you ... she is wondering why you are lying. When a GIRL lays on your chest ... she is wishing for you to be hers forever. When a GIRL wants to see you everyday... she wants to be pampered. When a GIRL says " I love you " ... she means it. When a GIRL says " I miss you " ... no one in this world can miss you more than that.

Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person .... Find a guy ... who calls you beautiful instead of hot. who calls you back when you hang up on him. who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who ... kisses your forehead. Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats. Who holds your hand in front of his friends. Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Who turns to his friends and says, " That's 'HER' !! "

When we girls drink too much...

Swearing At Work Policy

It has been brought to management's attention that some individuals throughout the company have been using foul language during the course of normal conversation with their co-workers. Due to complaints received from some employees who may be easily offended, this type of language will no longer be tolerated. We do however; realize the critical importance of being able to accurately express your feelings when communicating with co-workers. Therefore, a list of 18 New and Innovative phrases have been provided so that proper exchange of ideas and information can continue in an effective manner.

I think you could use more training.
You don't know what the f___ you're doing.

She's an aggressive go-getter.
She's a ball-busting b__ch.

Perhaps I can work late.
And when the f___ do you expect me to do this?

I'm certain that isn't feasible.
No f___ing way.

You've got to be sh__ing me!

Perhaps you should check with...
Tell someone who gives a sh__.

I wasn't involved in the project.
It's not my f____ing problem.

That's interesting.
What the f___?

I'm not sure this can be implemented.
This sh__ won't work.

I'll try to schedule that.
Why the f___ing h _ll didn't you tell me sooner?

He's not familiar with the issues.
He's got his head up his a__.

Excuse me, sir?
Eat sh__ and die.

So you weren't happy with it?
Kiss my a__.

I'm a bit overloaded at the moment.
F___ it, I'm on salary.

I don't think you understand.
Shove it up your a__.

I love a challenge.
This job sucks.

You want me to take care of that?
Who the h___ died and made you boss?

He's somewhat insensitive.
He's a pr_ck.

Thank You,
Human Resources

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Challenging My Profession

Thousands of years have passed and the study of medicine has still been the same. We still study the same human body in the same shape and form as it was when ape first evolved into man. The way we practice medicine may have become a bit more what we call, “humane” but the actual substance and ultimate goal has been the same throughout time—to keep the human body healthy! We still have the same body that functions the same way as it did eons ago, only our way of looking at it has changed--from gross to microscopic to molecular. We seem to be learning more and more about the same matter of fact but medicine itself has not changed!

Take a look at another profession—law for instance. You take any law from any time period it will not hold true today, in fact quite far from the law not working; it wouldn’t even make sense if read out loud today. Law is constantly being challenged, condemned, and reformed. It conforms to the way we evolve in our society and is constantly changing.

Business has also been changing and cannot be run today the same way it did a century ago! The industries have changed; trade is now corporate, and factories are manufacturing different products. Investment banking has a whole new definition than it did twenty-five years ago--there were no computers to check stocks second by second or to buy and sell at the click of a button. The more we interact with the world, the smaller it gets.

From Ovid to Shakespeare to Steinbeck; our style of writing, theater, literature and even the humor we appreciate in books or television shows has diversified significantly. From Socrates to Nietzsche to Marx; philosophy, theology; our way of thinking and being has transformed because our way of existing has changed. Technology has been revolutionizing the world! Our government—well too much to say about that, --I’ll shut up now…

But just think of ten important people,... any ten famous names...


none of them are doctors.. i rest my case...

average doctor saves 20 lives in his career... sure it changes their families' lives....

if one makes a law... it changes millions of peoples' lives..

if one makes an invention--it changes billions of peoples' lives...

if one does business... it changes your own life...

Friday, December 07, 2007

i hate how indian men keep trying to make a fool of women --that they'd believe any cocked up stories that is fed to them!

everytime things get good, they run away from warm and fuzzy--cause of their fear of actually being committed to one person and they run the other way looking for everything that could be possibly be wrong to use it as reasoning to not be in a relationship; fights start to replace the warm and uzziness and comfort of companionship and this trouble that they look for is only found with volcanic eruptions; the reasons pour out like lava and the ash falls form the sky smothering out the romantic fire that once embraced their love... and then everything about the relationship just seems wrong to justify their actions even more and if it's hard to find a reason,.. simple: just make up shit...

If you don't know men by now...

(Leroy) I have to ask you a question.

And it's an important one

so I want you to think about the
answer before you give it to me, OK?


When two people really love each
other but they can't get it together,

when do you get to that point
where enough is enough?

That... Oh, well, that's...
You know?

Um, you know it's over when...

OK, I have, like, these psychosomatic
insomniatic manifestations of...

Well, here's the thing about me.

I'm a product of my emotions, not a
product of my environment, like him,

which he is, exactly,
just that environmental...

I-l need sunshine to grow.
That's who I am.

And with the projection of...

I have goals.

- That's your answer?
- Yeah.

That's not right.

I mean, there's a right answer here,
but that's not it.

Look, in my business
you're surrounded...

by loneliness and finality.

I don't care what your take is
on an afterlife,

when people die, it's scary,
and they go alone.

Now, the people that I send off,

that have experienced love...

They're a little less scared.

They're still scared,
but there's a calmness to 'em.

I think that comes from the knowledge
that somebody somewhere loved 'em

and cared for 'em and will miss 'em.

Now, I see that from time to time
and I am awed by it.

I don't think I'd be telling you this
if it wasn't for Frank.

Anyway, it's a loaded question.

Look, when two people
love each other, totally, truthfully,

all the way love each other,

the answer to that question
is simple, especially in your case.

When do you get to that point
where enough is enough?



I just hope Jerry's not stupid.

...call me... .. .


Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Gawd! It hurts!!! ...when you really try your hardest and put forth all the effort that you are capable of... and you do it from your heart with a strong faith...and truly put your soul into making something happen and then... you are told that you haven't done anything...


(it hurts really baaaaad.........!)

When Bengal Tigers go Middle Eastern...

Terry smokin Hukkah!

When you have just too many questions...

and you need an answer?

Monday, December 03, 2007


My friend Zeke and Greg in Cambodia

The Desi Cubicle

Decorating the workspace so you don't miss the taste of home...

Once your co-workers start smelling of curry too, no one will know who had the BO ;-)

A Quarter of My Life...

Almost didn't make it to this day had they not figured out how to get that darn umbilical cord from around my neck, came out blue, was pampered by everyone on Nani's side being the first grandchild, Scottie, the family dog was one at the time-he got jealous cause i stole the attention he used to get, so he'd take my toys and put them under the bed right in the middle, where i couldn't get them, later he'd really rip my h.w., but he was protective of me as well and wouldn't let a mosquito come hurt me as I lay asleep, after a while of bouncing around juhu, manish nagar, lokhandwala, in bombay, it's off to doha I went experiencing sand pails and rakes on the beaches of Doha, my first experience with pralines n' cream at the company party, learning how to climb pipes which were huge mountains that I had to climb to get away from monsters in my make-believe play, coming back to bombay, i remember climbing this fence in a lokhandwala building with my mum as a shortcut to get to kindergarten class, i remember that one day i forgot to wear underwear and we had to turn back and i got late, i remember the yellow trumpet i brought in for show and tell, the dolls my macis brought for me from working as flight attendants and traveling the world, sonu, moni, bablu (he was a boy i think), apparently my family was convinced that i'd be a doctor when i started doing eye surgeries on the dolls, when one of my favorite dolls broke, i'd take parts of other dolls that i didn't like so much to perfect the one i did like, morbid huh? i remember thh long 10.5 hour sleeper cart escapade train rides to surat, sleeping on mummy's purse for a pillow, holding my brown teddy tightly against my chest, the drums that were tied with ropes around my chest to be used as a flotation device during my swimming classes, getting malaria every month, running away from flying cockroaches, watching people brush their teeth in their balconies from my 1st floor terrace, watching their spit fall down and remembering how disgusting it was, dodging pigeons on my bicycle with lifted training wheels, trying to get the one pigeon out that got stuck in the terrace door in mumma's room, watching my friend's mom make twirling spiral chakli's with the pasting machine, mimicking mum by trying to take her lipstick and putting it on with my mouth open the way she does, chocolate eclair ... more to come...

a lot more that i want to write to preserve memories of my life... but i'm too sad to do anything right now...

A Quarter of a Century Old...

From toilets that you can sit on, to dolls that can make sounds and dance, to my first talking teacher computer, to touch-tone phones, to cd players, powerwheels, hair mascara, stick-on bras, pop rocks, bookmobiles, coronary bypass, carphones, escalators, singing candles, bell-bottom pants, automatic can-openers, dos computer, dna fingerprinting, windows, email, laptops, cell phones, yahoo, napster, google, ebay, amazon, PCR, voicemail, fiber optics, ATMs, air bags, nanotechnology, hybrid cars, wifi, commercial gps, to my new digital camera! :-)

Saturday, December 01, 2007